Our Team

Our Team 
We are proud to introduce our team at Monrose Taekwondo Academy. Not only do they combine expertise and experience, but they also work together to achieve your objectives. Moreover, the success of a project depends essentially on the involvement of the people who carry it out. As a Taekwondo enthusiast, our team will deliver measurable results that exceed your expectations.
The Monrose Taekwondo Academy Team

Grand Master Raymond Mourad - Director and Technical Supervisor
First of all, Grand Master Raymond Mourad is 8th dan in Taekwondo with over 40 years of experience. In addition, he has been 13-time national champion and world medallist. He was also the coach of the 2006-2007 Canadian national team. Currently Technical Director of the Quebec Federation, he plays a crucial role in the development of high-performance Olympic taekwondo. So his dojang is literally a champion "factory".

Benjamin Monrose - Founder of Monrose Taekwondo Academy and Lead Instructor
Practicing since the age of five, Taekwondo is a tradition from father to son (and daughters) in the Monrose family since the early 1990s. Benjamin has an international competitive level with several provincial champion titles to his credit in France and has been teaching since graduating as an instructor in 2008. The accumulated experience and strength of his charisma make him a perfect ambassador in the martial art of traditional Taekwondo.

Sandra de Montigny - Head of the Finance Department
A high-flying businesswoman and mother of a large family, Sandra, a model student of Maitre Mourad since 2010, is committed to offering us her help and expertise in the management of our academy

Lyla Bussières - Assistant Instructor - Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager
With 18 years of experience, Lyla, a national and international competitor who is younger, shares and transmits her experience and expertise in taekwondo with joy and good humour, the latter two are very characteristic of her! She also strengthens our team by bringing her professional expertise to the academy.

Jonathan Rinaldi - Marketing Communication Manager
High level athlete in rowing, Jonathan wishing to become an expert in martial arts has trusted our academy and thanks us by strengthening our team with his professional experience